Destroying the Jewish People one schoolteacher at a time.

March 17, 2007 at 7:21 pm (POLITICS)

As the son of a Holocaust survivor and a proud Jew, I genuinely want the Jewish people to exist. As the son of two retired schoolteachers, I see the Jewish people on the way to slow disintegration one schoolteacher or social worker at a time.


  1. Kevin said,

    God has never allowed the Jewish people to be eliminated in all of their history and never will. Israel is his chosen race. Study your history. Study prophecy. I would say trust your God – but your god is money.
    Being a Christian, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and that He will redeem his chosen people at his return. Study that too. See how all Messianic prophecy was fulfilled in Christ and that “a people who were not My people” (Hosea 2:23) has been fulfilled in biblical Christianity. I assure you God has not forgotten his people and never will.

  2. Lee said,

    Social workers are such a waste of time and space. Here at ASU (Arizona State) we actually have an entire college dedicated to teaching people to be social workers.

    Imagine that for a moment, a career built on trying to help people who are too weak and pathetic to help themselves. Add to this a welfare system that actually pays people to succumb to their own flaws and bullshit and you have a highly effective means of manufacturing losers. Those who are trying to be part of the solution are usually put to use exacerbating the problem.

    My approach would be far different. No more social workers, period. No more dole, period. School vouchers for all. Build more prisons. After a couple of generations you’ll get the following:

    Those who can, do, and are living self sufficient and productive lives.

    Those who can’t, are dead, or in prison.

    Those who won’t, are in prison, or dead.

  3. Killing children one public school at a time « THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS said,

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