Our other border problem

June 16, 2007 at 1:17 am (POLITICS)

Immigration is killing large swaths of this country. No, not Mexicans. No, not the scourge of the North, our cold furry Canadian friends. Our immigration problem is internal. To quote Walt Kelly’s Pogo, “We have seen the enemy, and they is us.”

Blue state migration has to stop. Sadly enough, blue states have a right to exist. Yes, there are people who actually believe blue state solutions work. This begs the question…why don’t they stay there?



  1. bob and merrill said,

    Fun take on a bad situation. Not too funny seeing Phoenix turn into Los Angeles and Portland.

    BTW, thanks for the email.

  2. Brian_in_MA said,

    Speaking as a right-wing blue-stater, what do you think is the ratio of conservatives fed up with socialist hovels to mindless liberals seeking to escape the whirlwind they unwittingly reaped?

    Cause I gotta tell you, you try to deport me back to (m)Assachusetts after moving to somewhere sensical and I’d have to smack you upside the head.

  3. Shannon (N5KOU) McGauley said,

    Eric that was well said! The only addition to the old guest worker program would be to define them as guest and unable to take advantage of the 14th ammendment.

  4. ARRA Editor said,

    Eric your insights continue to amaze me and I laughed for some time. A few minutes ago, I posted a special guest spot about your your posting today and yesterday on the Arkansas Republican Assemblies http://arkansasgopwing.blogspot.com/ . Hope several of our readers visit your blog!

  5. BrianR said,

    Gun control = hitting your target accurately.

    Great essay, and right on the money!

  6. Turning into Lou Dobbs « THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS said,

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