If we are all God’s children, God wants us to sit down and be quiet

July 16, 2007 at 1:28 pm (POLITICS)



  1. David said,

    “God has to sit and watch his children all argue about things that are often nonsensical.”

    God is beyond all our petty small arguments. God is not your father unhappy with all the burdens placed upon him. God is in a place of joy beyond any joy we have ever know and the responsabilitys that god shoulders bring joy to god. God is not pissed of that you want his attention gods attention is on you all the time.

  2. onemorecup said,

    Hey eric…

    Marvelous article! I agree 100% with you; mostly about how those who call themselves “Religious or Pious” then go straight and argue scripture on the way to molesting kids.

    I respect the way you handle your own spirituality. I just finished watching Hannity & Combs simply because I can’t stand when people try and politicize religion.

    Voted. Cheers!


  3. Carole said,

    The bible says ‘For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’ This is the great equalizer and takes away anyone’s soapbox for pointing fingers.

    Think about it. Next time you are around some holier than thou pundit saying thosw who practice homosexuality are sinning. Simply plug it in; ‘For all are homosexual and come short of the glory of God.’ What about those that think it is a sin to drink. ‘For all drink and come short of the glory of God’.

    If believers were to actually grasp our equality under God, then we would find we have no ground for judging, since we are all standing on the same ground…ground sancitfied only because God loves us…not the other way around.

    And lest those of us who eschew those who are judgemental think we’re so special; ‘For all judge and come short of the glory of God’.

    The all purpose verse.

  4. micky2 said,


    I have a funny feeling that we were not all put here just to see which one comes out on top.
    But instead to see just good we could all become.

  5. Lary Crews said,

    So you’re the one who talks to God.

    Are you not aware that God does not exist and you have been believing a fairy tale?

  6. David M said,

    Trackbacked by The Thunder Run – Web Reconnaissance for 07/17/2007
    A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  7. micky2 said,

    Talking to God is what most people do.
    Its the ones that say he speaks to them { oraly and verbaly } that scare me.

    Its funny how some people can state with definition that God does not exist and not be able to prove it, after questioning someones awareness
    Where as I have no commitment to prove that he does exist. Even though I believe he does.

  8. practicalreasoning said,

    Wow. You are a Raiders fan and still believe in God. That is some pretty strong faith.

  9. Bald-Headed Geek said,

    Eric, you have to be one of the deepest thinkers out there. Much to deep, in fact, for a simpleton like me!



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