Another Adult Republican Discussion

September 6, 2007 at 10:25 am (POLITICS)


  1. Jersey McJones said,


    I don’t know…

    “…the grownups spoke with each other.”

    Except of course for the man running second-to-third in the GOP primary polls. He was in Liberal La La Land with Jay leno…

    “…Huckabee… plagiari(zed)… Newt Gingrich’s Fedex joke.”

    I knew I heard that one before! It was some think tank speech I saw on C-Span! I actually wrote about it on my blog, though I didn’t refer to this particular joke.

    “Guliani mentioned technology and tamper proof IDs, although I often wonder how that would work.’

    I think Guiliani basically backs Bush’s dead “comprehensive immigration reform” with “tamper proof ID cards” to go to all immigrants, legal, or illegal but given “amnesty.” Personally, I’d rather they just fix SS info processing, but they don’t want to to do that, what with all that entitlement-free FICA money pouring in from the 2/3rds of illegals that pay payroll taxes. Are you sure you like that idea? (Doesn’t sound like you!)

    “People who hate pro-lifers are scared of Brownback, but not Huckabee, who simply comes across as warmer. He vowed to pass a human life amendment without sounding threatening.”

    Brownback is the moron who went after the music industry in ’97. You should check out the C-Span archive of the hearing. far from being scary, Brownback is a joke. Huckabee seems not just “warm,” but genuinely warm – as in a Good Person – and is record in Arkansas does play that out. Of all the GOP candidates, I prefer him. His tax ideas, however, are quite a flip from his gubenatorial record.

    “Because this was not a debate among liberals, questions about leadership and Iraq were asked and answered seriously.”

    God, I wish you’d stop that sort of silly, comic-bookish, commentary. Dems are not all that liberal, are no more or less “serious” than Republicans about anything.

    “Rupaul is against war if it is an aggressive war. Perhaps he favors a sensitive war like the defeated 2004 democrat.”

    I really don’t get the “Rupaul” joke? What? Is he a cross-dresser or something?

    And I hope you understand what he meant by “aggressive war.” It had nothing to do with tactics or rules of engagement and everything to do “preemtion” as opposed to “reaction.” He meant that we were the aggressors in this Iraq war. It’s a fact as plain as Paul’s libertarianism.

    “Brownback announced the world was flat, because Kansas is flat. Huh?”

    It was a Tom Friedman reference. Surely you’re familiar with “The World is Flat”?

    “Huckabee praised McCain and stated that “you break it, you buy it.” Unfortunately, Huckabee did not praise our going in to begin with.”

    Huckabee is a minister. He doesn’t praise sin.

    “On taxes, McCain and Guliani have not signed the pledge.”

    They must remember what happened to George HW Bush! Really, though, good for them. Responsible people should never make promises like that. One never knows what the future holds.

    “Romney forcefully promised to kill the death tax,…”

    “Kill the death Tax!” Now that’s funny! You cons should use that one! Thank God there’s no such a thing as a “Death Tax,” though.

    “Ron Paul also said Iran is not a threat to Israel, and that Israel can take care of itself.”

    It can. They’re armed to the hilt, and they have finest per capita fighting force on Earth.

    “The hypothetical scenario was an issue,…”

    One of them should have said, “What kind of fool would announce to the world what I would do in such a scenario!”

    Guiliani could focus on his record in NYC all he wants, but the fact is that crime was already dimishing in NYC before he took office (as it was and continued to be throughout the 90’s, only to rise again with the onset of the GOP in the WH and the Hill). Abortion, peace and freindlier government were probably the main reasons. True, Guiliani did clean up some of the worst parts of the city, and did concetrate on community policing and nuisance crime, but he wasn’t the inventor of those ideas nor the first to implement them.

    Paul was his usual libertarian self.

    McCain towed the a more traditional GOP line, as opposed to the loony “neo-con” failed ideas.

    Romney looks and sounds like a rightwing Bill Clinton. Slick Mitty.

    Brownbank is his usual self, pandering to overweight housewives in Jesusland.

    Huckabee was his usual preacher in politicians clothes, comfortable with Godly positions, while a little squirmy on evils like the war and crazy rightwing tax schemes.

    Tancredo was on his one issue, as usual, and you could just see his face turn three shades of purple when he was reminded of Huckabee’s belief that “some” anti-illegal-immgration folks are just flat-out racists, like Tom and his constituency.

    It was the best of the GOP debates to date, yes, but “adult?” Nah. Same ol’ song ‘n dance. At least YouTube wasn’t involved.


  2. Carole said,

    Didn’t see the debate. Fun getting your take. Laughed at the Rupaul moniker. Freudian slip?

  3. Craig said,

    “….tamper proof IDs.”

    No such animal. Guiliani is naive.

  4. micky2 said,

    First they have to be willing to apply for these ” tamper proof” I.D.s
    With or without one they still ship 20 billion cash U.S. dollars out this country every year.
    Thank God Ron Paul has no chance. Although he sounds more like a liberal than anything, did you folks see the look on his face when he was duking it out with Huckabee ?
    He the last guy I want next to the button.

  5. David M said,

    Trackbacked by The Thunder Run – Web Reconnaissance for 09/07/2007
    A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  6. Richard said,

    I love the fact that you can’t even spell Giuliani properly! It’s so cute… and so anti-Italian!

  7. Jersey McJones said,

    Hey, I’m Italian and I do that too, so knock it off with the grammar police!


  8. Richard said,

    Roeddwn i’n jocio.

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