Turning into Lou Dobbs

November 15, 2007 at 11:10 am (POLITICS)



  1. micky2 said,

    I feel for you brother.
    A couple months ago i was downloading Windows vista. My screen went blank.
    my computer had crashed.
    I spent 2 1/2 hours on with HP reps in India for what turned out to be something as simple as putting in the #1 disc from my back up files.
    I had to explain to 4 different people for 2 hours in 4 different ways what had happened untill someone got it.
    They were all like stuck hard drives with flesh and about as human as a talking Elmo.

    Just remember, if it were not for tomatoes we never would of learned the ketchup bottle treatment.
    It would probably be the mustard or mayo treatment. And that just doesnt sound like it would be half as much fun..

    Conchita, Hurley, Mary K.

    Maybe you would think of doing a brunette recap one day. You know, a compellation of all the hot “not blonde” women out there 🙂

  2. greg said,

    Here’s my customer service horror story:

    Virginia Tech…Why Everyone Needs to be Quiet

    At least you can just pick the tomato off the hamburger. I don’t do mayonnaise and when I get mayo anyway, you can’t just scrape it off. It oozes into the bun and, well, let’s just say, it’s not pretty.

    And I know I’ll probably get booted off this blog for this but I have been known to order a steak (medium rare, if you please) with a big beefsteak tomato as a side. Must be something Bill and Hillary taught me …

  3. micky2 said,

    Actually Greg.
    I happen to love a nice thick slice of beefsteak tomatoe grilled or flash saute`d with some fresh basil, fresh cracked black pepper and a brushing with some olive oil and garlic. Grate a a little romano over that sucker and I’m good to go.

    Any steak warmer than my hand is garbage.

  4. William said,

    So you think there is some magic filter at our border that keeps al Qaeda out and and allows only illegals from Mexico to enter?

    This report contends the opposite:

    Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez of Zapata County, Texas told Cybercast News Service that Iranian currency, military badges in Arabic, jackets and other clothing are among the items that have been discovered along the banks of the Rio Grande River. The sheriff also said there are a substantial number of individuals crossing the southern border into the U.S. who are not Mexican.

    As many as 20 million illegals have come in under the Bush administration’s watch. This, while all this time touting fear of the enemy following us home. You know that BS – “gotta fight ’em over there so we don’t have to fight ’em over here” (which experts have determined was a bogus exaggeration anyway designed to stoke the fear)

    So if ragtag bomb makers are such a huge threat to the US that we have to spend $330 million a day to fight ’em over there so they don’t follow us here… seeing that 20 million have come into the US illegally, what exactly do you suppose is keeping them out?

  5. Jersey McJones said,

    Wiliam, I’ve known a lot of “illegal” Mexicans and otehr who have crossed our southern border. Let me tell you this with absolute certainty – if a terrorist tried to sneak in with a bunch of Mexican migrant workers, they’d be coyote food before they ever even got here. Those workers and their families have no tolerance for sickos like that.


  6. analah22 said,

    I concur, Eric; most American men SHOULD worry about the “threat” of Canadian Jewish republican brunettes (like myself) infiltrating your borders.

    Hmm, I hear Los Angeles is lovely this time of year… 😉

  7. laree said,


    Are you telling me when you were in Alabama, you didn’t have deep fried green tomatos? oh my goodness, they are the shiznitz.

    ….I want you violated by a goat unless you are from a country that enjoys that….LMAO that one has been imprinted on the old grey matter.

  8. David M said,

    The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 11/16/2007 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  9. charly martel said,

    I hate that people come here and expect us to speak their language. Some after ten or twenty years in this country. And we ALLOW this. What really ices the cake, is the bilingual requirement for entry level jobs in Target, McDonalds, US Bank,etc. Just say, “No Americans need apply,” why don’t you? Just as ludicrous is having the ballots printed in 72 or so different languages. Isn’t citizenship a requirement to vote? And isn’t learning English a requirement for citizenship?

  10. CGHill said,

    As far as being nitpicky about your address goes, you can blame the US Postal Service, which has a Standardized Version of every address in every ZIP code from Amherst to Anchorage and insists that you use it if you do any kind of bulk mailing.

  11. Jersey McJones said,

    “I hate that people come here and expect us to speak their language.”

    Nobody does that. That’s just stupid.

    “Just as ludicrous is having the ballots printed in 72 or so different languages.”

    So what. If at least one of those languages is English, then what’s the problem?

    “And isn’t learning English a requirement for citizenship?”

    Yes, but when it comes to complex referendums and such, isn’t it better that a ballot be printed to include popular local languages that the people can understand in depth? Besides, many Americans are so stupid and illiterate, that they can’t even understand such ballot initiatives whatever language they’re in. I’d be more conserned about that then whether or not somebody else speaks my language.


  12. micky2 said,

    JMJ said;
    ” many Americans are so stupid and illiterate, that they can’t even understand such ballot initiatives whatever language they’re in. I’d be more conserned about that then whether or not somebody else speaks my language.”

    Once again the smartest guy in the world is calling Americans stupid and illiterate as he spells concerned with an ” S ”

    Just because someone is surrounded by idiots it doesnt mean that the whole country is representative of his surroundings.
    And I felt that I was surrounded by that much stupidity, I would not hang aroud.
    But then their are those that are comfortable or seem to fit in and stay.

    If we have such complex referendums its only common sense that its alot easier for these people to learn to read english than it is for the whole freaking country to understand them and cater to them.
    It goes to the same philosophy that life is easier when I choose to understand others as opposed to expecting everyone else to understand me. The latter has literally driven people nuts.
    No the ballot should not be printed in 50 different languages any more than a stop sign should be printed in 50 different languages.
    But God forbid that the left impose accountability on anyone. Lets just kiss their asses and invite as much anarchy as we can.
    If so many Americans are as stupid and illiterate as you say, then the public schools that you and the left think are so damn great cant be doing all that great a job, now can they ?

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