Barack Obama, Meet Eli Manning

February 5, 2008 at 10:17 am (POLITICS, SPORTS)


  1. chris naron said,

    So what will be his third down, sack evading, hand-to-helmet catch? The Giants won the game on that amazing play. Obama is going to need one, too. I think it will be a huge margin of victory in California.

    In fact, California might screw it up for frontrunners of both parties.

  2. Hugh Graham said,

    Yes, Barak Obama can take on Hilary Clinton- they way Napoleon took on Sieyes- and win! Is he the new Napoleon of US politics? SEE my blog:


    Did you know that forebears of the Taliban, the Pashtun kings of Afghanistan twice formed an Afghan empire in the 18th century?

    Did you know that Burmese monks held massive protests against the British in 1906?

    That Venezuelan dictators Guzman Blanco and Marco Perez both anticipated Hugo Chavez in attempting to extend presidential term limits?

    For the history behind the headlines, I invite you to have a look at


    Many thanks,
    HG Graham.

  3. Jersey McJones said,

    “Some see (The Clintons) as arrogant, and their brazen lack of ethics is barely denied by their supporters. Like New England fans, the Clintons have many fans that lack scruples or class.”

    If by “Some” you mean the sleaze machine at Fox “News” and Hate Talk radio and those naive enough to accept these media outlets as reliable and responsible, then yes. But there is no “brazen lack of ethics.” It’s a myth – rightwing propaganda deisgned to divide and conquer the electorate. The Clintons friends and associates represent a typical cross-section of establishment democrats, they are no more or less scrupulous or classy then most other amalgam of Americans, and certainly and obviously far more scrupulous and classy then the crooked bunch we have seen in the Bush administration, the GOP courts, and the now extinct GOP majority on the Hill.

    “Hillary Clinton was anointed as the next President. Then out of nowhere, Barack Obama came along.”

    Nobody comes out of nowhere. Obama has been groomed for the presidency for some years now. He is a product of the Illinois Democratic Machine of the Daleys et al. He may be new to the electorate, but he’s not new to anyone who pays close attention to American politics.

    “Hillary has the entire democratic machine helping her… The Clintons control the democratic party.”

    This is a falsehood. Republicans should try a little harder to understand the Democrats if they ever want that majority back again. Unlike the GOP, the democratic party is a very large tent. There are many factions and rifts, friends and foes. It is not a monolithic party. The GOP attempted to be a monolithic party for some years and have now discovered that the dynamics and diversity of the American politiy diallows such pretense.


  4. micky2 said,

    Charlie Brown getting the coke was very symbolic of what you’re saying.

    “But there is no “brazen lack of ethics.” It’s a myth – rightwing propaganda deisgned to divide and conquer the electorate.”

    Left wing propoganda is for the greater good.
    Hillary cried again yesterday.

  5. Brian said,

    Eric, do your research on Obama before you overlook his seeemingly disingenuous campaign…Read up on his hateful Pastor…read up on his staffs both as a State Senator and then as a U.S. Senator…you may just find members of the Nation of Islam…

    If a candidate for the Presidency had a Pastor with a radical right wing agenda who had a history of supporting enemies of this nation we would demand a harsher light be focused on this candidate. If members of his staff were members of the KKK, Aryan Nations, White Power etc we would be incensed and condemn him…he would be disgraced even if he fired them on the sport and begged innocence.

    You have quite often referred to Mr. Obama as an “empty suit.” Well, what if he isn’t one, but is something far more dangerous?

    I am not writing nor am I inferring he is not a good man, or that he believes the racist and hateful nonsense articulated by his Pastor or by some of those on his staff. But, this does matter. He may become our next President. It does matter that his Pastor of 20 years pushes Liberation Theology, is an admirer and friend of Farrakhan’s, supports our enemies etc…it is of consequence.

    Your disdain for the Clinton’s does not relieve you of your responsibility concerning Mr. Obama. You are letting him off just like the MSM.

  6. Brian said,


    I don’t know you, but I do wonder why you continually respond to JMJ’s ignorant rants? Do we really need to dignify his ignorance?

    Just a thought…

  7. Jersey McJones said,

    Brain, are you comparing the Nation of Islam with the KKK and Aryan Nation???

    And, by the way, Liberation Theology has done more for the human rights and living conditions of Latin America than the US has EVER done.

    Obama has an ace in the hole that will hard to beat – his lack of record. He can invent himself almost however he chooses and there’s little anyone can do to remove the facade. I’m not sold on him at all, but I understand that he is a product and functionary of the mainstream democratic party and so when November comes it will not be personalities or trivial “scandals” that drive my vote, but a balanced and objective view of what a future with whoever the nominee is may look like.


  8. Jersey McJones said,

    Not much for debate, huh Brian? I guess you’re just not up to par. Too bad. Maybe someday you can handle me.


  9. micky2 said,

    Jersey, I respect Brians point , and I understand it completely.
    If you remember about 8 months ago I said you were not worth the impulse in my monitor.
    But I decided at one point to try and show people just how ridiculous people like you are. And it worked. Its better than dope watching me make a fool out of yourself almost daily.
    It has been a very gratifying ( I’m sick like that Brian) experience watching Jersey McJones be made by me the ” Poster Child ” for everything that is wrong with America.
    If you ever need a snapshot of the looney left or reference to it , all you have to do is read one of Jerseys post. Sometimes we get complacent and forget just how dumb the opposition can be.
    Jersey is the gift that keeps on giving in case you ever forget.

  10. micky2 said,

    Also, in relation to Brians feelings on Obamas staff and its connections.
    I think a spot light needs to be out on these things just out of general principle.
    The man does want to be the president so by all means we should look at everything possible.
    Especially the relationship he has with his cousin and brother down in Kenya.
    Fautline posted this here a few days ago.
    I’m going to do it again, oit was interesting to say the least.

  11. Christopher London said,

    GREAT POST. Nice Analogy. It is all true

  12. Rob H said,

    Barack Obama is the most eloquent political voice in the last 40 years. He makes me proud to be an American again. That’s the kind of leader the world needs right now. Not someone who is a greasy little politician like Hillary, but a true statesman, like Barack.

    Barack the Vote!

  13. micky2 said,

    I’ve always been proud to be an American. Didnt matter who was doing the talking.
    I’ve heard a lot of eloquent speakers in my life that are no where near qualified to
    ” lead ” the world never mind America.

  14. apache said,

    Ok….Hillary is from NY…What am I missing?

  15. Brian said,

    Hate is hate whether it be white supremacists or a black nationalist movement such as the Nation of Islam which preaches racial superiority…

    The United States is not Latin America…the people in most Latin American countries would do much better off over the long haul with our system as opposed to theirs…

    Liberation Theology is at best controversial…the groups in our nation who embrace it are on the far left of the spectrum and often blame racism for every ill in society..don’t believe me? Do some research ( G-d forbid!) and take at look at some of Pastor Jeremiah White’s speeches…( Obama’s Pastor)

    Again, I’ve got nothing against Obama, but there is reason for concern, including the support for him by Muslim groups in our nation who have supported groups such as Al Queda, Hezbollah and Hamas among others…

    Hate is hate…and ought to be confronted whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head…

  16. Brian said,

    Correction Pastor Jeremiah Wright…

  17. deaconblue said,

    appache- Hillary is not from NY. She’s a carpet bagger who took advantage of some archaic and loose election laws to get “elected.” Please don’t slander the rest of us with her current title.

    Eric- I hope your Super Bowl hang over has not prevented you from casting your primary vote today!

  18. Jersey McJones said,

    Hillary is from Chicago, Apache.


    “Hate is hate whether it be white supremacists or a black nationalist movement such as the Nation of Islam which preaches racial superiority…”

    Prove that. I think you’re wrong. The Nation of Islam does NOT preach “racial superiority.” In fact, it teaches a sort of Islam that I would compare to mainstream Protestentism, lay Catholicism, reformed Judaism. and say, “Hey, look at the similarities!”

    “The United States is not Latin America…the people in most Latin American countries would do much better off over the long haul with our system as opposed to theirs…”

    But Liberation Theology IS about changing their system. Our system is designed for us, and they should design their own systems for themselves, lest we be imperial, hegemonic imperialists who dictate to all the people of the &^%$#@! world how to live their !@#$%^&* lives.

    “…the groups in our nation who embrace (Liberation Theology) are on the far left of the spectrum and often blame racism for every ill in society..don’t believe me?”

    I believe you and I believe them.

    “Do some research ( G-d forbid!)”

    Please don’t insult me.

    “…and take at look at some of Pastor Jeremiah White’s speeches…( Obama’s Pastor)”

    I think you mean Jeremiah Wright. Show me something of his that so offends you. Please.


  19. micky2 said,

    “But Liberation Theology IS about changing their system. Our system is designed for us, and they should design their own systems for themselves,”

    Liberal Theology has worked real well for Latin America in the last 50 years, hasnt it ?

    Jersey. The Nation of Islam is most definatly a hate group.
    It is a warped and spiteful interpretation of the Koran.
    I dont think Brian was talking about ” ALL ”
    of Islam or mainstream teachings.
    I have sat through many of Farrakhans sermons. And only an idiot would not be able to pick out the air of superiority he breaths when he talks about black muslim brothers and sisters.

    “During the 1984 presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson, Jackson referred to New York City as “Hymietown” in a discussion with a black reporter. Though Jackson thought he was speaking off the record, the reporter printed the quote. Jackson was widely criticized for the slur and received death threats, leading Farrakhan to announce “If you harm this brother, it’ll be the last one you ever harm. ”

    “Wicked and false Jews”
    “At an NOI-sponsored event in February 2006, Farrakhan provoked accusations of antisemitism in Illinois by stating that “These false Jews promote the filth of Hollywood. It’s the wicked Jews, the false Jews that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality, Zionists have manipulated Bush and the American government.”

    Farrakhan made several controversial statements about race, including “White people are potential humans — they haven’t evolved yet” in March 2000, and “Murder and lying comes easy for white people” in 1994. He has also alluded to a figure called “Yacub” (or “Jacob”) with reference to whites. According to Farrakhan’s mentor, Elijah Muhammad, blacks were “born righteous and turned to unrighteousness,” while the white race was “made unrighteous by the god who made them (Mr. Yacub).”

    Farrakhan has referred to Jews, Palestinian Arabs, Koreans, and Vietnamese collectively as “bloodsuckers” and maintains that “Murder and lying comes easy for white people.”

    “In fact, it teaches a sort of Islam that I would compare to mainstream Protestentism, lay Catholicism, reformed Judaism. and say, “Hey, look at the similarities!”

    All of the above you mention carry a wide spectrum of racial diversatiy in its congregations.
    Have you looked into the audience at a Nation Of Islam Sermon lately ?
    Its a dark picture to say the least.

  20. charly martel said,

    “And, by the way, Liberation Theology has done more for the human rights and living conditions of Latin America than the US has EVER done.”

    What!! Not only Mexico, but the rest of Latin America is OUR responsibility? This from someone who thinks our meddling in other country’s affairs is disgraceful colonialism. You have some good points from time to time, but you can’t seem to keep from talking from both sides of your mouth at other times. Maybe you’re trying to talk around the foot in your mouth?

    Then you make a good point like this one –

    “Obama has an ace in the hole that will hard to beat – his lack of record. He can invent himself almost however he chooses and there’s little anyone can do to remove the facade.”

    There’s hope for you yet, but don’t be so quick to dismiss Brian. His concern is reasonable, if you can judge a man by the company he keeps. (I think you can and should.)

    Are any of you aware that the children of a muslim father are considered muslims by other muslims? That would make him an apostate in the eyes of other muslims, and they would comdemn him to death. Unless he could convince them that his attendance in a Christian church is merely taquiyah. (Lies told to further the interests of islam.)

  21. Eagle6 said,

    Have left the nest for the time being and had to set up a different account – aka AL. One of the differences between Eli and Barack is that Eli had to call on experience and the support of a terrific cast of supporters to pull it off – and Barack certainly has the latter, but not the former. It may seem simplistic, but the Obama drama is part what Jersey mentioned – he doesn’t have a record to get called on, and part fantasy land – rather than his being an empty suit, he is catering to voters who are empty suits – they don’t have any experience either; they are hopeful, and they don’t have a clue what reality is in terms of “let’s be united and conquer poverty, racism, health care, wars, name your buzz words and problem, and I’ll fix it, but don’t ask me details” and empty suited people lap it up…because even though they may know in their minds Hilary is more experienced and realistic, they LIKE him… and from the fact that their Dems one can infer they already don’t want to deal with reality… (sorry, had to get that one in there)… Conversely, Republicans don’t necessarily like McCain – I think most like Thompson or Huckabee better, but they are looking at reality… Everyone has been too pc with Barack – even though there was an unfair email about his background, there are some questions that need to be addressed… I HAVE seen videos and pictures of him during the National Anthem, and he generally refuses to stand at attention or put his hand on his heart – may be nit picking, but if he wants to be commander in chief, he might consider the volunteers he’s leading… At least Hilary has been pushing for benefits and understand patriotic protocol.

  22. Eagle6 said,

    “their Dems”… maybe if I’d said, them there Dems it wouldn’t have been so bad… they’re Dems…

  23. micky2 said,

    Its dem dare dems over dare are duh dems

  24. charly martel said,

    As much as I detest McCain, the dems scare the pants off me. Hillary will sell what’s left of us to China. Obama is very likely a black supremacist if not a moslem sleeper. I’m still hoping for Romney’s nomination, but it doesn’t look likely. I’m afraid the ticket will be McCain/Huckabee followed by the establishment of the North American Union and conversion of the dollar to the Amero. I know I sound paranoid, and I hope I’m wrong. Romney’s snale oil looks good by comparison. God help us.

  25. Jersey McJones said,

    Well guys – get ready for McCain! LOL!

    “Liberal Theology has worked real well for Latin America in the last 50 years, hasnt it?”

    It’s Liberation Theology, Micky. Look it up.

    “Jersey. The Nation of Islam is most definatly a hate group.”

    Nonsense. You are obviously just repeating Rush Limbaugh-esque silliness.

    Louis Farrakhan says a lot of things, some of them are reflections of fringe conspiracy theories, some of them are just harsh medicine. You have to understand the history of the NOI to get a better picture of where they’re coming from. You’ll note, if you bother to learn about them, that they have softened their stances with the times.

    “Have you looked into the audience at a Nation Of Islam Sermon lately ?
    Its a dark picture to say the least.”

    Man, that really sounded racist. A diplomat you are definately not, Micky. The NOI was created by and for disenfranchised African American men. What the heck do you expect to see??? I can show you plenty of “white” churches. This is just sleazy.

    charly martel,

    “What!! Not only Mexico, but the rest of Latin America is OUR responsibility?”

    Did I say that?

    “There’s hope for you yet, but don’t be so quick to dismiss Brian. His concern is reasonable, if you can judge a man by the company he keeps. (I think you can and should.)”

    Yeah, that homophobic black church gathering in South Carolina that Obama attended – very disappointing. So far, I prefer Hillary.

    “Are any of you aware that the children of a muslim father are considered muslims by other muslims?”

    So what? More of this juvenile closet Muslim nonsense, huh?

    “Hillary will sell what’s left of us to China.”

    Bush and the failed GOP Hill beat her to it, Charley.

    “Obama is very likely a black supremacist if not a moslem sleeper.”

    Paranoid insanity. Get help. Really, you seriously need it.


    “I HAVE seen videos and pictures of him during the National Anthem, and he generally refuses to stand at attention or put his hand on his heart – ”


    And this paranoid silliness is what you guys call mature, adult, republican positions, huh? You sound like a bunch of loonies on this thread!


  26. micky2 said,

    “It’s Liberation Theology, Micky. Look it up.”

    You know what Jersey ! That was typical of you to take advantage of a typo error like that. But of course the chicken sh** you are would not assume or ask first ifit was just a mistake.
    First of all if you read the comment it says “50” years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The theory was concieved in 1955 , so I did know what I was talking about, you just played a cheapo sleazeball and took the only shot you could handle.
    The whole family of my daughters mother are Mexican and her Grandfather migrated here in the 40s. Him and I have discussed the failings of ” Liberation Theology ” and his point is still the one I carry. It has not done very much for any Latino nation now has it Mr McJones ?
    For some reason we cant seem to keep them away now, can we ?

    “Nonsense. You are obviously just repeating Rush Limbaugh-esque silliness.”

    B.S. again !
    First of all, and I swear to god on this. I have heard a totall of no more than 2 complete Rush broadcasts in my life. And I have never heard him mention The Naton of Islam. So no ! That is not where I get my facts from.
    2nd.) If you actually read what I posted you would notice that I said I have “sat” through many of Farrakhans sermons. I have actually listened to about 20 of Farrakhans sermons in comparison to the almost 2 Rush Limbaugh shows. So its not very likely at all that I m just repeating Rush Limbaugh-esque silliness.
    And dont pin the race card on me. Thas just sleazy to the max. His audience is mostly if not all Black, period and fact.
    Yes and I could show you plenty of white churches also Jersey ! And that just goes to prove my point , thank you very much !

    “Louis Farrakhan says a lot of things, some of them are reflections of fringe conspiracy theories, some of them are just harsh medicine.”

    Harsh medicine ? Hah! And you say I shouldnt be a diplomat ? We need his medicine like you need another hole in your head.
    When I say his congregation is a dark picture I am labled a racist.
    When Farrakhan spews his garbage its “harsh medicine “? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeese tell us all what you’re high on ? Hypocrisy maybe ?

    ““And, by the way, Liberation Theology has done more for the human rights and living conditions of Latin America than the US has EVER done.”

    Should we do something ? Are we supposed to do something ?

    “So what? More of this juvenile closet Muslim nonsense, huh?”

    Its just a fact Jeresey. Just a fact and nothing nonsensical about it at all.

    “Bush and the failed GOP Hill beat her to it, Charley. ‘

    Once again Jeresy takes a cheap childish shot, by refering to thinks in grade school context.
    Charly said;
    “Hillary will sell what’s left of us to China.”
    Any kindergartner could tell us that Bush got there first since even a 6 year old knows who the preseident is at this point and time.
    Charly was saying that Hillary will finish the job !
    God ! what a sleaze bucket.

    Who are you calling loonies ?
    At leasy we dont have to resort to cherry picking disengenuous childish and selective editing in order to make our points.
    I supplied references and direct quotes and conversation from real people . While all you have done is take advantage of spelling errors and misquoted people, played the race card and offerd your assinine opinion, which once again is useless in any debate

  27. charly martel said,


    Micky’s right – You ARE the gift that keeps on giving.

    Anyone who doesn’t recognize the Nation of Islam for a hate group hasn’t bothered to look. .


    Do you remember when he “snubbed” Hilary by not shaking her hand? Do you know muslims aren’t supposed to touch women they’re not married to?

  28. Sophie Bell said,

    Eli Manning is the best! I love him.

  29. Eagle6 said,

    Charly, I understand the customs, and I have been doing some reading on Obama’s past… his current church leader seems to be as divisive as any Nation of islam group, so it’s six of one, half dozen of the other to pin the muslim label on him. There was a damning email going around about him a few months ago – about his swearing in on the Koran, wahabbism, etc, but most of it was hype – having said that, he did, indeed, grow up in a Muslim household, so his snub of Hillary could have been as much from upbringing as anything… or it could be that he is full of himself… I believe one of his favorite songs is “Moving on up” from the Jeffersons…

    Jersey – it may be silliness to chastise someone who stands around like a sluggo while the National Anthem is being played, but the military is born of tradition and patriotism, and if someone wants to represent, or better yet, LEAD these volunteers during times of war and peace, he/she had better learn protocol. Perception is reality.

  30. Jersey McJones said,


    “It has not done very much for any Latino nation now has it Mr McJones ?”

    LT has had a huge impact on the politics of Latin America, but not so much in Mexico. But when you look at the rise of socialist populism in much of that part of the world, you see LT written all over it. I just don;t think you understand it.

    “For some reason we cant seem to keep them away now, can we?”

    If by that you mean Mexicans, I’d look at things like NAFTA first. Its no coincidence that with NAFTA we have seen huge increases in migrant workers coming here. We dump our cheap agro on them – they leave their farms and come here: the perfect example? 70% of American agro workers are undoc aliens! Need I say more??? And with Free Trade and the open borders for capital and goods it should come as no surprise that labor will also flow freely accross said borders. The anti-immigration crowd doesn’t quite seem to grasp this.

    “When I say his congregation is a dark picture I am labled a racist.”

    Don’t be silly. I was simply pointing out that it should come as no surprise that a black movement would be populated by black people.


    “Should we do something? Are we supposed to do something?”

    Well, we could and should be as neighborly as possible. That’s just being good human beings. On the other hand, we DO and have ALWAYS played a very active role in Latin America, and mostly at the pain of the people of those states.

    “Its just a fact Jeresey. Just a fact and nothing nonsensical about it at all.”

    So, it’s a “fact” that Pbama is a closet Muslim? Silliness.


    “Jersey – it may be silliness to chastise someone who stands around like a sluggo while the National Anthem is being played, but the military is born of tradition and patriotism, and if someone wants to represent, or better yet, LEAD these volunteers during times of war and peace, he/she had better learn protocol. Perception is reality.”

    Whatever. I couldn’t possibly care less.


  31. micky2 said,

    Jersey, I have discussed Liberation Theology my daughters grandfather as I mentioned. He has seen first hand the miserable failure it is.
    And it is not a rock solid foundation in Latino governments. The rise of socialist populism is nothing more than a mosquito bite on the political landscape in Latino countries.
    As far as NAFTA and immigration goes it just proves my point that we are not responsable for Mexicos inability to fix its problems. Yet we suffer the collateral damage from their failed policies.

    “Should we do something? Are we supposed to do something?”

    “Well, we could and should be as neighborly as possible.”

    Are you fresh out of your freaking mind ?
    These freeloaders are already costing the American taxpayer an arm and a leg !
    I think we’ve already done quite enough , thank you very much !

    “So, it’s a “fact” that Pbama is a closet Muslim? Silliness.”

    I said nothing about closets. Still, it is a FACT within the Muslim religion the offspring of a Muslim is a Muslim. Period ! And that should be the context you stick to !

    “Whatever. I couldn’t possibly care less.

    Of course you wont admit this.
    But if Bush sat down during the Anthem or did not place his hand on his heart you and your moonbat buddies would have a field day with that one.
    Its one thing to think outside the box. Its another to be an elitest punk who thinks his crap doesnt stink.

  32. Jersey McJones said,


    I don;t think you know much about Liberation Theology, Micky, so I’ll leave that at that.

    “As far as NAFTA and immigration goes it just proves my point that we are not responsable for Mexicos inability to fix its problems. Yet we suffer the collateral damage from their failed policies.”

    Yeah, yeah. It’s never our fault. We’re always the good guys. We have nothing but good intentions and want only what’s best for the people of the world. Bla bla bla. What a silly, comic-bookish view of the world.

    “Are you fresh out of your freaking mind ?
    These freeloaders are already costing the American taxpayer an arm and a leg !”

    Freeloaders? These are hard working people, Micky. What a vicious insult. You should listen to yourself sometimes. You don’t realize how cruel you come off.

    “I said nothing about closets. Still, it is a FACT within the Muslim religion the offspring of a Muslim is a Muslim. Period ! And that should be the context you stick to !”

    It’s the same with every religion Micky. This whole closet muslim thing is just plain stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Look, I’m “supposed” to be a Catholic. Take a wild guess how Catholic I am.

    “Of course you wont admit this.
    But if Bush sat down during the Anthem or did not place his hand on his heart you and your moonbat buddies would have a field day with that one.”

    I couldn’t care less. I don’t even like the national anthem. I think it sounds like a dying walrus with emphysema trying to perform an aria.


  33. micky2 said,

    “Freeloaders? These are hard working people, Micky. What a vicious insult. You should listen to yourself sometimes. You don’t realize how cruel you come off.

    Cruel ? Try ” REAL REALITY ” for a change Jersey ?
    What about hard working Americans Jersey ? Did that also slip through your skull ?
    You and your pals are bitching about how we need socialized medicine because expenses are so high in the free market. That Market is being raped by illegals.
    If these FREELOADERS went home medical costs for millions would drop and we could put the socialized universal medicine BS away. If they actuall y bought insurance , a lot more of us could.
    At this point the ” FREELOADERS have contributed only a few heads of lettuce to this country and yet they reap more benefits than I could get right now if I applied . So spare me the bleeding heart crap !
    And as Charly said, you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
    We (imo) should put up a big ass wall and tell em all to go screw themselves.
    If they want help, get in line behind my fellow citizens.

    “I don;t think you know much about Liberation Theology, Micky, so I’ll leave that at that.’

    I know enough that you dont want to talk about it with me , thats what I know.

    “It’s the same with every religion Micky. This whole closet muslim thing is just plain stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Look, I’m “supposed” to be a Catholic. Take a wild guess how Catholic I am.”

    Will your father perform an “honor killing” and kill you now ?

    ” couldn’t care less. I don’t even like the national anthem. I think it sounds like a dying walrus with emphysema trying to perform an aria.’

    Yea, and I rock out to it also. But you as always missed the point.
    By the way. You called me out on this thread. And you seem to have conveniently forgot that you were getting shut down and reamed. I have quoted you as asked. Where have you been ?

    Obama vs Hillary…Mano a (Wo)Mano

  34. Jersey McJones said,


    ““Freeloaders? These are hard working people, Micky. What a vicious insult. You should listen to yourself sometimes. You don’t realize how cruel you come off.

    Cruel ? Try ” REAL REALITY ” for a change Jersey?
    What about hard working Americans Jersey?”

    They are not freeloaders. They are hardworkin people. They pay taxes and get little in return for their work and taxes. They are actually harder workers than most Americans who have been softened by years of hegemonic empire. I don;t think you know what your talking about.

    “You and your pals are bitching about how we need socialized medicine because expenses are so high in the free market. That Market is being raped by illegals.”

    Exactly the opposite is true. The market is raping the immigrants, and us.

    “Will your father perform an “honor killing” and kill you now?”

    He’s not religious either.


  35. micky2 said,

    “They are not freeloaders. They are hardworkin people. They pay taxes and get little in return for their work and taxes. They are actually harder workers than most Americans who have been softened by years of hegemonic empire. I don;t think you know what your talking about. ‘

    Look ! I’ll debate you ! But this crap where you think nobody knows what they’re talking about just because they dont agree with you is a childish attempt at dodging.

    Once again. My daughters grandfather migrated here 50 years ago. I am close to him and the whole family. I lived in S.D Orange county and L.A. for a total of 18 years !
    I have a very good picture of the damage the immigration prblem has done to our society. I probably speak more Spanish than you just from working with “legal ” migrant workers.
    But I know just as many crooked and illegal aliens that have no business in this country and are ruining for the “REALLY HONEST HARD WORKING PEOPLE CALLED AMERICANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Hard working” is not a pass to bend over my country and steal from it ! And the illegals do not pay taxes ! Thats why they are considered illegal.
    You know exactly what I’m talking about ! So dont B.S me or anyone else and confuse those who are here legally with freeloaders !

    “Exactly the opposite is true. The market is raping the immigrants, and us.”

    You’re high. Its true ? REALLY ! Prove it !

    “He’s not religious either.”

    Thats not the point. Try sticking to the point.
    The point is this, for the second time,within the Muslim religion the offspring of a Muslim is a Muslim. Period ! And that should be the context you stick to !
    But you obfuscated to using Catholisism as an example.
    Do Catholics kill there young for straying from the faith ?
    You’re really on a loosing steak lately. maybe you should take a vacation. Its getting too easy to shut you down.

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