My Meeting Karl Rove

February 29, 2008 at 10:14 am (POLITICS)


  1. Susan Duclos said,

    Wonderful, wonderful piece and good job!

  2. Jersey McJones said,

    “In the introduction preceding his speech, the speaker made a lighthearted joke at Mr. Rove’s expense. When Rove took the stage, he began by thanking people. He then turned to the man who introduced him and said, “To show my appreciation, tomorrow I will be taking you to Guantanamo Bay.””


    I’m not touching this one either. I doubt I could remain civil.


  3. micky2 said,

    Its amazing only if you want to treat our enemy like unruly children.
    Lets bring them here and give them civilian trials and a whole slew of rights they dont deserve. But god forbid you ever make a joke about anything especially immigration or any sexual deviancy.
    You can call our president a complete and utter failure and not offer him an ounce of respect . And then turn around and sympathize with an enemy that wants us all dead.
    I guess it was O.K. for John Kerry to say that if you dont get a good education you could end up in Iraq. That got a round of applause.
    I just finished debating Hillary whom I despise but yet was able to not call her derogatory or uncivil names.
    Your statement Jersey is only proof that the left operates on the emotional aspect and not the facts.

  4. Jersey McJones said,

    “Its amazing only if you want to treat our enemy like unruly children.”

    It’s a metaphor.


  5. micky2 said,

    Rove made a cute joke.

    The metaphor you choose was a clear example of just how ignorant the left is when it comes to seeing things for what they really are.

  6. Jersey McJones said,

    A cute joke??? Guantanamo??? Do you have any idea what GITMO has done to our national reputation??? This is a cut joke to you???


  7. Jersey McJones said,

    I’m done with this thread now. It’s just going to get ugly. I’ve already been editted once.


  8. Chris Jones said,


    Great column! I’m looking forward to attending a lecture by Mr. Rove myself in a couple of weeks. I have huge admiration for Rove, I think he’s one of the greatest political minds in recent memory.

    Anytime your successful you naturally attract haters, and when you play on a national stage as Rove does you attract more haters than usual.

  9. said,

    Excellent article. Thank you for putting it up. Unfortunately, not all of us within the vast right-wing conspiracy have had the pleasure of meeting Master Rove. You did a great job summarizing his speech.

  10. Gayle said,

    It is an excellent article, Eric. So typical, those on the left. I don’t think they are living on their emotions, instead I believe they are living in an alternate world where there is no terrorism and no need for America to protect itself from anything. It’s a world where 9/11 never happened, and where Islamofacists don’t strap bombs onto themselves, their women and children, and even their physically and mentally disabled (of course they’re all mentally disabled) in order to kill innocent people. It must be a nice place where the liberals live. It’s such a shame it only exists in their own minds.

  11. Tom Autry said,

    Good job Eric.

    It is my opinion that Carl Rove, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld are three of the smartest people on the planet. Another favorite is Tommy Franks.

    I’ll miss Bill Buckley. He was on a level all his own.

    Think this will draw any fire? What do we do now?

    Tom Autry,
    Watonga, OK

  12. laree said,


    Check out my latest blog “Matt Taibbi, When Doves Cry” this is in response to Matt Taibbi’s article for RollingStone magazine, McCain Ressurected.

  13. Neocon News » Daily Quick Hits 2/29/08 said,

    […] My Meeting Karl Rove […]

  14. universal pictures said,

    […] group that will co-finance at least 75 percent of the studio&39s films …www.businessweek.comMy Meeting Karl Rove I had the pleasure recently of attending a lecture?sponsored by the?American Jewish University. The […]

  15. Joshua Godinez said,

    Great post. Thank you.

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