Ideological Bigotry Part VI–Liberal Jews vs John Roberts

July 15, 2007 at 1:04 pm (POLITICS)


  1. micky2 said,

    ‘Liberal Jewish groups should simply state that they are liberal first, and Jewish second. Otherwise, why reflexively follow a liberal agenda?’

    I feel the same way when I hear people say ” Mexican American ”
    I think They should lay claim to there citizenship first, and be called ” American Mexicans”. Better yet just “Americans”

    What your posting sounds very much like all the religions in the world that have been tweeked to fit an agenda. And so millions die.

  2. Carole said,

    I found God…and had to leave religion to do it. It is my belief that the minute a religion is founded, it becomes about that religion – that particular box made for humans to feel like they ‘know’ God – rather than God Himself. It is the rare church that keeps their first love.

    So no longer am I surprised at the statements made in religious settings, political or otherwise. Admittedly, my experience of religion has been negative in the extreme. But the interesting result of that is I find myself much more dependent on God…which, for me, is the preferred state…and apparently, according to the bible, the Lord preferred for us.

  3. micky2 said,
    My experience’s are somewhat similar to Carole’s . Anyone who would like some further reading on the subject can go to the link above. Its a new blog and Im open to criticism, since I,ve had this computer a couple months.
    And thanks Eric, you are of course on my blog roll

  4. der Alte said,

    In the early 1950’s while at Brooklyn College I was one of six students from a population of 8000 who was a member of the Young Republican Club. . . . . and the only Jewish one. It was a different time but I was never castigated.

    But times and circumstances do change as seen by this blog. I am still part of a Jewish political minority. Unhappily, the Jewish majority, through intermarriage and an unwillingness to have children, is slowly but consistently shrinking. In about 3-4 generations I suspect the face of political Jewry will change.


  5. Daniel K. said,

    “Liberalism is a political philosophy and an ideology. Judaism is a religion. They have nothing to do with each other. Any overlap is either coincidental or the result of indoctrination. ”

    Do me a favor and get this memo to Fallwell and Robertson as quickly as possible.

  6. Craig said,

    I use to date a wonderful Jewish woman. She was apolitical but came from a huge liberal family. To this day, I don’t get the mindset of a liberal Jew. Most all liberals support the Palestinians and would be more than happy to celebrate the TOTAL demise of Israel. How do liberal Jews account for this? This seems counter intuitive and certainly an implicit threat to most Jews very survival.

    If you ever peruse the Daily Kos….the liberal moonbats scream anti-semetic invectives nonstop.

  7. mammalicious said,

    “If these Jewish liberals had any intellectual and emotional honesty (we know they do not), they would state the following: “We run a liberal organization. The court is conservative. That is a threat to our liberal beliefs.” There is no need to bring Judaism into the mix, …”

    Excellent observation. I agree 100%.

  8. mammalicious said,

    I forgot to mention, I have noticed a growing anti-semitic attitude among non-Jewish liberals that I find absolutely fascinating, and somewhat unexpected.

  9. mammalicious said,

    Uhm, Daniel, Fallwell passed away recently, so you can find someone else to bash. How come it was OK for Rick Warren (author of the Purpose Driven Life) to have Obama take an AIDS test as a publicity stunt in front of his gazillion member church without the media freaking out?

  10. Jack said,

    I will speak up when Temple Valley Beth Shalom on a religious holiday has a Rabbi who states during a holiday speech, “Forget your stressful day. Picture a calm peaceful existence. A world without problems and stress…a world without negativity…a world without Donald Rumsfeld being in the news.” The liberal Jewish audience chortled.

    And as someone who was there for that speech let me offer some correction. It is a crowd that is definitely made up of Democrats and Republicans. The context of the comment is missing.

    It was made during a momentary lull in what was a long service. The intent was not political in nature. It was more of an icebreaker moment, something to try and help people relax.

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