Burn in Hell Eliot Spitzer

March 11, 2008 at 9:12 am (POLITICS, Uncategorized)



  1. Jersey McJones said,

    Yeah, you Wall Street conservatives really hated ol’ Spitz! LOL! Well, I guess you guys finally got ’em. I wish him well, and I hope he survives this, but he’ll probably have to resign. Thank God we have David Paterson to replace him! LOL!

    Sorry about your personal story. But if you were doing something illegal, then I’m glad it was stopped. I was incessantly confronted with laws and regs when I was in the container line business. I complained, and I saw a few good people get ruined over their mistakes. But I’m still glad for those laws and regs. I only wish the current occupant felt the same way.

    Spitzer fought the crooks on Wall Street and that’s a very dangerous game. It’s too bad he was so reckless in his personal life. We’re going to lose a great champion of the American people.

    Good luck Eliot.

    Hey, by the way, does this mean that you guys think David Vitter should resign? ROTF!!!


  2. micky2 said,

    “I guess you guys finally got ‘em.”

    The only thying that got him Jersey was his ” Peck**”

  3. Jersey McJones said,

    Yeah right. Just like that DC hooker scandal, right? How many names come outta that? A couple?

    Spitzer had a lot of people very angry at him. Just read Eric’s post! He should have been more careful with his personal life. If you’re a crook, then you have nothing to fear. But if you fight them, then you’d better watch your back. He left his back exposed and now he’s going down. This is similar to what happened to Robert Torricelli. No pol gets ahead in that Jersey district without getting some dirt on them. Torricelli went after the CIA and the School of the Americas. For that he was destroyed. Spitzer went after quite a few big elephants, despite the above post says, and for that he will be destroyed. Such is life in our authoritarian corporatocracy.


  4. micky2 said,

    Look Jersey !
    I think you’re crossing the line here. !
    Eric was informed that was he was doing was wrong and he stopped ! Plain and simple !
    Spitzer prosecuted two prostitution rings and then went off on them in a verbal tirade chastising and lambasting them how the are the scum of society and then turned around and used the same services he claimed were the piss of the earth !
    Its the sleaze factor !
    The same goes for any politician. Larry Craig, Vitter it doesnt matter.

    I have no problem with people paying for it. Its the hypocrisy factor dude !
    Iread Erics post. But that doesnt change the fact that his wanker got him in this mess, no matter what other players were in the arena.
    That hooker was only worth about a 1000 an hour.
    Gee I wonder why Spitzer decided to give her 4000 /
    He was well aware that any leak of this would reveal one of the largest examples of hypocrisy in Washington we have ever seen. It was hush money, period !

  5. blacktygrrrr said,

    What we were doing was legal, and Spitzer was wrong to declare it illegal, especially without research, which would have educated him on the subject. He is simply a man prosecuting an industry that he does not understand. He is a lawyer, not a finance guy.

    Yes, I detest the man, because he arbitrarily decided that my way of making a living was illegal. There was no review, no analysis. It was dictatorial. Also, it was wrong from a finance standpoint.

    One of the reasons bubbles burst so violently is because rules are put in place to try and ensure that things only go up. Markets function best when many people are betting against the markets as well.

    Spitzer tried to rig the game of investing based on a lack of knowledge. It would be like going to the Casino and banning the “Don’t Pass” line.

    I played by the rules, he broke them, it changed my career path, and he should burn. I feel persoanlly violated by him.


  6. Things What Happen « the atomic punk said,

    […] lot of people are positively giddy about Spitzer’s arrest. Frankly, the fact that a guy like this hates Spitzer so much is probably testament to Spitzer having done something right. He castigates […]

  7. micky2 said,

    My point was Eric, that even though what you were doing was not wrong, you obeyed the law.
    Spitzer disobeyed laws he enforced.

  8. Jersey McJones said,

    Easy there killer. I’m not accusing Eric of anything. It’s not like he went to prison or something. I made some professional mistakes in my life as well. I corrected them and moved on (or just moved on! LOL!). I don’t begrudge the law when it comes to that. Of course, in the case of imports, I feel the law should be very strict and explicit. Trading (and accounting, which I also was involved) is a bit more gray. I don’t know exactly what Eric was doing, so I’m not going to cast aspersions on him personally. But if you think I feel bad for Grasso et al, then you’ve got another thing coming.

    As for what Spitzer did – yes, it was creepy and hypocritical, and illegal. And now his career is over. So be it.


  9. Jersey McJones said,

    You ain’t alone, Eric. Import rules used to change mid-stream all the time as well. But remember, Spitz didn’t make the rules, he just enforced them, for a rare change out of Albany.


  10. blacktygrrrr said,

    I think Larry Craig, David Vitter, and Mark Foley are disgraces.

    So are Bill Clinton, Mel Reynolds and Eliot Spitzer.

    The difference is republicans castigate our bad boys, while the left rallies around them. Karl Rove last night again stated that Larry Craig needs to go. I do not remember Bill Clinton being criticized by the left. Heck, they blamed Gingrich.

    It is not about prostitution to me. It’s about a bully that finally got his.


  11. Jersey McJones said,

    Oh puh-lease. The GOPers are no better than the Dems when it comes to that. To think otherwise would be naive to the nth!


  12. micky2 said,

    Hah !
    Dont ” pu-lease” us !
    You guys not only ally around them.

  13. Jersey McJones said,

    The GOP does it too, Micky.


  14. dickard said,

    I freely admit that I don’t know the facts of your situation. Maybe you’re exactly right and what you were doing was legal. I’ll amend my post to reflect that.

    Congratulations on the one year mark man. It is not easy to keep it up. I’ve tried — and failed — at many other attempts. A successful blog is definitely a marathon. Keep it up.

  15. micky2 said,

    Not nearly as much jersey, not nearly as much.

    William Jefferson Clinton- Impeached by the House of Representatives over allegations of perjury and obstruction of justice, but acquitted by the Senate. Scandals include Whitewater – Travelgate Gennifer Flowersgate – Filegate – Vince Fostergate – Whitewater Billing Recordsgate – Paula Jonesgate- Lincoln Bedroomgate – Donations from Convicted Drug and Weapons Dealersgate – Lippogate – Chinagate – The Lewinsky Affair – Perjury and Jobs for Lewinskygate – Kathleen Willeygate – Web Hubbell Prison Phone Callgate – Selling Military Technology to the Chinesegate – Jaunita Broaddrick Gate – Lootergate – Pardongate

    STILL IDOLIZED ! And put in front of his wifes campaign ?

    Edward Moore Kennedy – Democrat – U. S. Senator from Massachusetts. Pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, after his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island killing passenger Mary Jo Kopechne.


    Barney Frank – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Massachusetts from 1981 to present. Admitted to having paid Stephen L. Gobie, a male prostitute, for sex and subsequently hiring Gobie as his personal assistant. Gobie used the congressman’s Washington apartment for prostitution. A move to expel Frank from the House of Representatives failed and a motion to censure him failed.


    DNC – The Federal Election Commission imposed $719,000 in fines against participants in the 1996 Democratic Party fundraising scandals involving contributions from China, Korea and other foreign sources. The Federal Election Commission said it decided to drop cases against contributors of more than $3 million in illegal DNC contributions because the respondents left the country or the corporations are defunct.


    Sandy Berger – Democrat – National Security Advisor during the Clinton Administration. Berger became the focus of a criminal investigation after removing highly classified terrorism documents and handwritten notes from the National Archives during preparations for the Sept. 11 commission hearings.


    James McGreevey – Democrat – New Jersey Governor . Admitted to having a gay affair. Resigned after allegations of sexual harassment, rumors of being blackmailed on top of fundraising investigations and indictments.

    Libs still think he was a great guy.

    Jesse Jackson – Democrat – Democratic candidate for President. Admitted to having an extramarital affair and fathering a illegitimate child.


    Gary Condit – Democrat – US Democratic Congressman from California. Condit had an affair with an intern. Condit, covered up the affair and lied to police after she went missing. No charges were ever filed against Condit. Her remains were discovered in a Washington DC park..

    Need I say more ?
    Because there is a lot more, I have the list, it goes back a hundred years showing how the left embraces its crooked politicians far more than the right.


  16. Jersey McJones said,

    Clinton doesn’t count. What he did was trivial.

    Teddy Kennedy got away with a drunk driving manslaughter. not nice, but back then people used to get away with that all the time.

    Barney Frank did nothing wrong. His boyfriend at the time apparently did.

    No one knows exactly what Sandy Berger did.

    Jim McGreevey made a mistake. He paid with his career.

    Jesse Jackson did nothing illegal. He just made a personal mistake.

    Gary Condit’s lost his career. Hopefully one day we’ll find out what happened.

    Meanwhile, the Bush administration is teaming with treasonous, murderous, theiving crooks and you guys couldn’t care less. Amazing.


  17. Gayle said,

    The lefts blanket statement like the one above: “Meanwhile, the Bush administration is teaming with treasonous, murderous, theiving crooks and you guys couldn’t care less.” But JMJ doesn’t name anyone or what they are doing that is treasonous, murderous, or thieving! Why am I not surprised? LOL!

    Eric, I’m not from New York, and only lived in Upstate New York near the Canadian Border for five months, but I am also very angry at Spitzer. I would be just as angry if he were a Republican. Actually, I’d be even angrier if he were a Republican! What he did puts him, a governor of the people of New York State, at risk for beiing blackmailed, for one thing. For another, it shows a complete lack of moral character, and either proves he is arrogant or pathetically stupid, or both. I vote for “both”!

    Congratulations on you one year anniversary. I completely forgot about mine. It was four years in December.

    Now please calm down because too much anger, whether righteous or not, is not good for you. Be happy. The bastard has been hoisted on his on petard and his career is going up in flames! It’s time to celebrate! 🙂

  18. greg said,

    I think Spitzer needs to resign and it appears that he will do so, but a couple of things need to pointed out here. First, eric, Spitzer has not been indicted. He may be at some point, and he is probably working out the terms of a plea deal that will include his resignation as we speak, but he has not been indicted.

    Second, Eliot Spitzer did not declare your trading strategy illegal. No person can do that all by themself. All he as attorney general could do is argue the state’s position before a judge on the law and the facts based on what the legislature had already enacted into law. The attorney general is but one component of the judicial system and there are various avenues to determine the legality of some operation besides criminal prosecution. And before an attorney general can even do that much, they first have to be elected by the people. So if your trading strategy was so lucrative and of such importance to you, you should have just hired a lawyer.

    Finally, all this talk about whether liberals or conservatives, or Democrats or Republicans, are more guilty of sexual scandal, or whether one or the other embraces criminal conduct, is really just silly. This is an issue that knows no political or ideological boundary.

  19. Jersey McJones said,

    Gayle, thousands of our soldiers are dead, tens of thousands hurt bad, no one is inspecting our food or our kids toys, our standard of living and real household income is in decline, not enough jobs are being produced – anywhere – not from here to Iraq. Clinton wasn’t any better on the economy, but at least we didn’t have to deal with endless bloody streams of death and debt. Carter (and every other president from Nixon on) avoided that insanity. Reagan, and all the others but Carter, practically flaunted threats, but they didn’t go off on loony colonial expeditionary wars.

    Did it ever occur to you that for all the “conservative” rhetoric, the “conservatives” never actually seem to deliver “conservatism”??? Bush & Co actually seem to genuinely believe the rhetoric. Scary, huh?


  20. BB-Idaho said,

    Vitter had a longish history of using prostitutes. He got a standing ovation from Senate Republicans-and holds his job. Craig fought rumors for years and was finally outed-and holds his job. Spitzer should go because he is a Democrat and they hold tor a higher standard. Wall Street is as overpaid as Britney Spears…

  21. Tom Autry said,

    Loony colonial expeditionary wars.

    Hmm, lets see… start with Attila, then maybe Alexander “the great” then maybe the Crusades, the Moors, oh yes the great Roman Empire. Then the Spainish in the new world, the British Empire in the new world, America’s Manifest Destiny and expansion west against the Native Americans. the Germans WWI, and WWII. Russia and the great USSR. China and North Korea, China again and North Viet Nam. Oh yes, and the Islamic Jihad against America “The Great Satan”.

    These are just few people and/or groups and/or factions and/or nations and/or empires that have conducted exercises that may qualify as loony colonial expeditionary.

    Ever notice that our enemies support the Dems? Scary, huh?

    That is not rhetoric.

    Tom Autry,
    Watonga, OK

  22. acaligurl said,

    good post.
    spitzer got his payback didn’t he.
    i feel bad for his wife.. but she should have some leverage now. hope she uses it.
    what a scum.. not just ‘kristen’ but what he did to you. ha, karma IS a b*tch.

  23. deaconblue said,

    Well, I wonder how many people commenting on this actually live and work in the State of New York. How many have watched up close the rhetoric of his campaign fade fast and furious once he took office. How many people here know of his comments to other elected officials: “I’m a f***ing political steam roller, and I’ll roll over you or anyone else.” Or how about his threatening to behead a State Assemblyman? How about his promise of transparency in the budget process? Yeah that didn’t even last a year as he moved negotiations behind closed doors. Troopergate? Inappropriate use of the State Police to smear a political opponent? Indictments on that are forthcoming. He savages Wall St. while AG, and now blames them for the budget gaps. Now this. Calls into question his motives for his prostitution investigations and convictions while AG. He’s had shady finincial dealings before, laundering money through his father and his corporation. He’s alienated even his own party officials in the State Senate and Assembly. He’s done more harm to the State of New York since Hugh Carey and Mario Cuomo drove out all the big businesses and employers. He needs to go ASAP.

  24. micky2 said,

    “Clinton doesn’t count. What he did was trivial.”

    He lied to the the country, the courts, and tried to get someone else to lie for him also.
    And got caught..
    Now, like I’ve said before, I dont care if he got a hummer and screwed around on his wife ( a few times) I just wanted him to do his job. And he did fairly well at it.
    But its the trust issue. He looked us all in the face and just lied through his teeth.
    Do you think he would of been elected if he pulled that stunt during his campaign ? Or gotten a second term had he done that earlier?
    And now you guys idolize him and wish for the good ole Clinton days.

    I’m sorry Jersy, its pure hypocrisy when you call Bush a lying sack of dung with contempt and venom and then turn around and say that what Clinton did was trivial

    “Teddy Kennedy got away with a drunk driving manslaughter. not nice, but back then people used to get away with that all the time.”

    What the hell kind of remark was that ?
    Back in the 60s men used to beat their wives more often too.
    So you keep re electing the guy ?
    I dont care if it was 200 years ago, whats wrong is wrong.

    “Barney Frank did nothing wrong. His boyfriend at the time apparently did.”

    He hired a male prostitute. Unless he was in Vegas I think its illegeal.
    At the least, Frank’s judgment was appallingly naive. After an initial encounter in which he paid Steve Gobie $80 for sex, the Congressman says he tried to lift the younger man out of drugs and prostitution by hiring him to run errands.
    The liberal campuses of Boston and nearby blue-collar mill towns, re-elected him overwhelmingly in 1988 with 70% of the vote. ( they re elected a criminal)

    “No one knows exactly what Sandy Berger did.”

    Oh Christ ! Give me a break ! We dont know exactly which documents ! Thats all , hes still a thief and a treasonous.
    Hah! We know enough brother ! He was convicted !!!! He even admits its on CNN.
    Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger was sentenced Thursday to community service and probation and fined $50,000 for illegally removing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionaly destroying them.

    “Meanwhile, the Bush administration is teaming with treasonous, murderous, theiving crooks and you guys couldn’t care less. Amazing.”

    Be even more amazing if you had one shred of proof or anything to back that up.

    Carter sucked. I was there.

  25. oh eliot said,

    I love your passion.
    Finally someone who feels for Eliot what I feel for Eliot.

    What will become of all the idiots who have been shining his shoes and kissing his ring for the past 14 months? Sweet victory if they should all spontaneously implode.

    Lord almight, I hates me a liberal.


    […] Black Tygrrrr bids an empassioned ‘good riddance’ to disgraced Democrat Eliot Spitzer for the hatchet job this useless moron has done on his livelihood. Here’s an excerpt: […]

  27. Jersey McJones said,

    Tom, if you know history, you’ll know that in the end those loony colonial expeditionaries brought those empires down in the end.

    Micky, the Clinton “scandals” were a joke. Why do you think the American people ignored all that tabloid nonsense and supported him in the end anyway?

    You may have been “there” for Carter or whoever, but you obviously weren’t paying attention.


  28. News Monkey said,

    A little digging has turned up some photos Photo of Elliot Spitzer’s “client number 9” favorite girl

  29. deaconblue said,

    He’s out. It’s now official. Come MOnday it wil become official when Paterson takes the Oath of Office.

  30. micky2 said,

    You know what Jersey ?
    It doesnt matter how much you kick and scream, Carter is widley known by the majority as being the worst president ever.
    Your feeble attempts to somehow bolster him are as pathetic as he was.

    “During his four years in the White House, he presided over the worst economic downturn since World War II, allowed a bunch of thugs to seize our embassy and our citizens, and supported Philippine dictator Fernando Marcos, Pakistani General Zia al Huq, Saudi King Faud and many other dictators. But Jimmy Carter was a much better president than he is an ex-president.

    In fact, Jimmy Carter holds the hands-down record for being the worst ex-president the United States has ever known. His post-presidential meddling in foreign affairs has cost America dearly, both in terms of international credibility and international prestige.

    He defied US law by visiting Cuba, even addressing the Cuban public and handing Castro a huge propaganda victory. He oversaw the elections in Haiti, against the expressed wishes of the Clinton administration. A coup followed.

    Carter once described Yugoslav strongman Marshal Josef Tito as “a man who believes in human rights.” Regarding North Korea’s dearly departed Kim Il-Sung, Carter found him “vigorous, intelligent, surprisingly well-informed about the technical issues, and in charge of the decisions about this country,” adding “I don’t see that [North Koreans] are an outlaw nation.”

    He was similarly generous regarding Manuel Noriega, Romanian dictator Nicolai Ceaucescu and, of course, Yasser Arafat. He said of Ceausescu and himself, “Our goals are the same: to have a just system of economics and politics . . . We believe in enhancing human rights.”

    Read this ! Its all there ! Its not slanted, its just the facts,. not opinion.


    Carter has a history of making anti-American remarks, while abroad. He once told Haiti’s dictator that he “was ashamed to be an American.”

    Part One

    Look Who’s Talking

    Leadership: So Jimmy Carter calls the Bush administration “the worst in history.” This from the man who wrecked the world’s greatest economy and made a nuclear Iran and North Korea possible.


    Part Two

    ‘Malaise’ Maestro

    Leadership: When it comes to economic performance, there’s no contest: Apart from the early years of the Depression, Jimmy Carter’s brief tenure as president was the worst in the 20th century.


    Part Three

    Carter Planted Seeds Of Al-Qaida

    Leadership: After being told over and over by President Jimmy Carter that America’s ability to influence world events was “very limited,” the Soviet Union believed him and invaded Afghanistan. And al-Qaida was born.


    Part Four

    Iran: Carter’s Habitat For Inhumanity

    Leadership: In the name of human rights, Jimmy Carter gave rise to one of the worst rights violators in history — the Ayatollah Khomeini. And now Khomeini’s successor is preparing for nuclear war with Israel and the West.


    Part Five

    Carter’s Red Carpet

    Leadership: On President Jimmy Carter’s watch, more territory was lost to tyranny than at any other time since Yalta. And he’d have us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear.


    Part Six

    A Feeble President

    Leadership: When men of strength are presented with difficult problems, their responses are firm and decisive. Jimmy Carter spent four years as president of the United States responding with weakness.


    Part Seven

    Friend Of Dictators

    Leadership: In foreign policy, Jimmy Carter proved his presidency the worst ever by subordinating U.S. interests to his vague “human rights” policy. All he did was enable dictators to take him to the cleaners.


    Part Eight

    Camp Hype

    Diplomacy: It’s often asserted that while Jimmy Carter’s presidency was marred by error and incompetence, the peace deal he brokered at Camp David was an unmitigated triumph. Time to pop that bubble, too.


    Part Nine

    Carter’s Oil Crisis

    Leadership: Of all the errors Jimmy Carter committed, none has earned him more well-justified scorn than his handling of the 1970s energy crisis. True enough, he didn’t cause it. But he did make it much, much worse.


    Part Ten

    Carrying Over Carter’s Ineptitude

    Leadership: In 1976, Americans thought they were sending an outsider to the White House. Today, the same policies so thoroughly discredited by Jimmy Carter’s disastrous presidency define the Democratic Party.

    Not paying attention ?
    Thats just too funny.
    You ramble off this statement;
    “Meanwhile, the Bush administration is teaming with treasonous, murderous, theiving crooks and you guys couldn’t care less. Amazing.”

    Should I pay attention to this statement when you cant even give me one instance of proof or concrete evidence ? After I deliverd the list above confirming his failures you think rambling off that hateful opinion is going to get you anywhere or prove your point ?
    It seems like you’re acting like those blind lemmings you always critcize so much.
    Look jersey ! The guy was a pathetic looser. As much as I dislike him I still give him more credit than you do Bush.
    You know, its like you have to defend him just because hes a lib.
    And the only way you can defend him is to try and compare him to Bush ?
    So far you have produced very little mitigating factors on behalf of Carter.
    Give it up.

  31. Stormwarning said,

    Disgraceful, yes. Reprehensible, yes. Arrogant, yes. Understandable? His wife is Jewish, right? An awfully expensive BJ.

  32. Burn in Hell Eliot Spitzer said,

    […] Continue Reading […]

  33. Brian said,

    Good for you Micky!

  34. TorP said,

    Funny how many conservatives say they feel bad, compassion, terrible for this arrogagant pr*ck’s wife. (You seldom, if ever, hear this from libs when a “conservative” falls) I would feel really bad for her if she would’ve had some self respect and had a simultaneous news conference explaining that she was leaving this dirtball immediately, but more likely she knew, so I don’t give a fig for her. I do feel a bit bad for his kids, after all it’s not their fault that their father is a narcicistic evil sociopath.
    Few people in history have ever deserved to have their entire life come crashing down around them more than this vile wretch. Schadenfreude thy name is Eliot!

  35. The Phoenix said,

    […] The blog people are out in full force, of course, with the predictable wide range of opinion — from the dismissive "Dog Bites Man Story" to an especially repulsive one titled "Burn in Hell, Eliot Spitzer." […]

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