Arrest Jimmy Carter

April 11, 2008 at 9:06 am (POLITICS)


  1. Jersey McJones said,

    Well, the Neocons got their wish and brought “democracy” to Palestine (I won;t even get into Iraq here) and sure enough the Palestinians voted for Hamas. How’s that working out?

    The Neocons got what they asked for. Carter? Purely a peripheral character. You guys should look at yourselves before scapegoating people with no real power to do anything. Just the same, Carter was the only president to have brokered ANY lasting peace deal in the Middle East. Not Reagan, not Bush I, not Clinton, not Bush II – not Truman, Ike, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford… not a one but Carter. Oh, but he’s an “anti-semite” because he’s not a pro-Likud mouthpiece! LOL!

    The things you conservatives fuss over are so trivial, so petty, so irrelevent – no wonder you guys blew your majority in record time. Of all the things to concern yourselves? Jimmy Carter??? Amazing. The ecomony is in shambles. We are stuck in two intractable military occupations. Oh but what about Jimmy Carter??? What’s he up to these days???

    Who cares.


  2. chris naron said,

    I half-way agree with you Jersey. How strange. Where I disagree is that Carter deserves all that much credit for Israeli-Egyptian peace. Camp David was no more than a super power brokering a deal to save a third world stinkhole from its modern ally. Israel would have continued to abuse Egypt like the little punk it was had we not stepped in.

    As for Carter visiting with Hamas, it’s simple. Let him go without Secret Service protection. Let him hire his own goons.

  3. Stephen Kruiser said,

    Well, Carter did provide them a place to chat and work things out. Wait, that was the American taxpayer. Where’s our Nobel Peace Prize?

    I guess pondering the import of an ex-president giving the finger to the State Dept. and playing BFF to Hamas does pale in comparison to weighty liberal issues like pedicures for carbon footprints and federally propping up Air America.

  4. The Pissed Off Tree Rat said,

    The Secret Service agents are what I’m wondering about. The USSS is a federal law enforcement agency. Hamas is a federally declared terrorist activity. If the agents recognize a known terrorist what are they’re actions? Hamas has no diplomatic immunity acknowledged by the U.S.. I’m no lawyer, but this seems that there may be legal trainwreck in the works.

    Per the USSS website: Under Title 18, Section 3056, of the United States Code, agents and officers of the United States Secret Service can:
    – Carry firearms
    – Execute warrants issued under the laws of the United States
    – Make arrests without warrants for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony recognizable under the laws of the United States if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed such felony
    – Offer and pay rewards for services and information leading to the apprehension of persons involved in the violation of the law that the Secret Service is authorized to enforce
    – Investigate fraud in connection with identification documents, fraudulent commerce, fictitious instruments and foreign securities and
    – Perform other functions and duties authorized by law

  5. Jersey McJones said,

    Many’s the time in my life I shook hands with a man I would rather have spat upon. Many more times I have not.

    You have to give Carter some credit. He really tries to accomplish things. What these things are is available at I know I’ll regret writing that one day.

    You have to give him some credit. This whole anti-Semitic charge on Carter is just plain wierd, guys. Look, I’ve been around a little. I’ve heard people say all sorts of things. Jimmy Carter is not some kind of Nazi. Really. Being an American human being in the year 2008 I can honestly say Jimmy Carter is not a personal concern of mine at all.

    But the law – guys – says that former presidents get the USSS treatment, so that’s that. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Would you? Oh wait! We could contract it! it’s not like the public sector is paying for it if it is funded by taxpayer dollars! Weeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!


  6. chris naron said,

    Carter is no more anti-Semitic than Ron Paul. You can disagree with Israel and our foreign policy toward them without being a Jew hater.

    However, Carter only gets points for his intentions. I happen to not be in the business of handing out points for intentions.

  7. dajjal said,

    There is no possibility of peace between Israel and Islam; never was and never will be. Only a damn fool completely ignorant of Moe’s recitation & sunnah will claim otherwise. I dispatched two of them today: Jimmy Carter & revoltingpawn.

    Carter is grandstanding. There is nothing to be gained by visiting Meshaal. In doing so, Carter lends the prestige of the high office he held to an AssWhole richly deserving death & damnation. I don’t want him back.

  8. Jersey McJones said,

    Chris, intentions are underrated.

    Hey Dajjal, why do we care?


  9. Brian said,

    Nothing Carter does any longer surprises me…Nancy Pelosi and the majority of Dems in both Houses strongly disagree with the man’s foreign policy…This isn’t about the Likud, Conservative Republicans, the Christian Coalition, AIPAC etc…the guy is often out of line…meeting the head of Hamas in Syria is another indictment of this fraud of a peacemaker and statesman…

    The records, notes etc,,,show his behavior at Camp David 30 years ago was less than genuine…indeed bordered on hatred toward Mr. Begin who survived the Nazis, the Russians and the Brits as they systematically attempted to leave the nascent State of Israel incapable of defending itself…

    In short, Carters behavior reflects that of a schmuck…and unfortunately it does matter…when a former President of the U.S.A. meets the leader of a terror group he cannot help but legitimize it…certainly in that part of the world…as well as in parts of Europe and even here…

    The question in the minds of most Jews who are not self hating is no longer whether Carter is an anti-semite, but whether he is not one…the man constantly falls back on traditionally vicious anti-semitic canards when defending his position…

    There is no doubt his humanitarian work matters…and that’s where critics of his have to give the man some credit…but it should not allow him to get away with lies, slander, vicious canards, misrepresentation of historic facts etc…

    We also have the responsibility to pay attention to him as he continues to enable ( under the guise of “peacemaking”) those bent on the destruction of the State of Israel ( as well as America).

  10. chris naron said,


    Then why do you…why do I keep doing this to myself?

  11. micky2 said,

    “This whole anti-Semitic charge on Carter is just plain wierd, ”

    Weird ?
    Ever heard of google Jersey ?
    Take a cursory tour of the many instances of anti semitism in Carters history and then see if you can convince any sane person that its weird.

    But this was hardly the first time that intimations of anti-Semitism have tainted Carter’s career. In an article titled “Jimmy Carter’s Jewish Problem,” Jason Maoz,
    senior editor at Jewish Press, reveals that “during a March 1980 meeting with his senior political advisers, Carter, discussing his fading reelection prospects and his sinking approval rating in the Jewish community, snapped, ‘If I get back in, I’m going to [expletive] the Jews.'” Maoz also references the 1976 presidential campaign during which Carter, fearing that his opponent Senator Henry (“Scoop”) Jackson had the Jewish vote in the Democratic primaries locked up, “instructed his staff not to issue any more statements on the Middle East. ‘Jackson has all the Jews anyway … we get the Christians.'”

    Carter’s claim to fame in the peace process arena was the 1979 Israel-Egypt peace treaty signed at Camp David by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. While the alleged peace between Egypt and Israel has held up to this day, increased hostility in Egypt
    ( ) toward Israel and Jews has been the true legacy. At some point, one has to come to the logical conclusion that a peace treaty that inspires hatred ( ) is not worth the paper it’s printed on.

    Instead, Carter received a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his efforts in the Middle East, among other locales. Such efforts continue with Carter’s apparent fondness ( ) for Hamas, the terrorist group turned government, which, he insists, will become a “non-violent organization” despite all indications to the contrary. Before that, it was his cozy relationship ( ) with Palestinian dictator Yasser Arafat.

  12. micky2 said,

    My apologies, the first quote was not from jersey, just my bad.

  13. Tom Autry said,

    You guys are missing the point. If Carter sits down for tea with any one connected with Hamas, he is breaking the law.

    Carter is a dupe, manipulated by the people around him. Their agenda is clear, cause as much harm as possible to the people they don’t like. They don’t like Republicans and Jews and most of the American people. Carter’s people are seeking support for the Dems in up-coming election. Which is really not necessary, our enemies have supported the Democracit Party all the way back to Truman. They didn’t like Harry, and they won’t like John!!!

    Tom Autry,

  14. Stephen Kruiser said,

    Fully aware that his ineptitude is all that will be remembered of his presidency, Carter busies himself with attempts at creating a legacy as an elder statesman. Unfortunately for him, his political instincts are as lousy now as they were thirty years ago and it’s never quite clear exactly which state he’s representing at the time.

  15. Jersey McJones said,

    I get it. You guys just need to feel about about supporting the abject and complete failure of the Bush administration and One Party GOP state so you bash Carter, a peripheral figure with no real power who hasn’t been relevent in 28 years. The anti-semite charge always baffled me, though. Either your pro-Likud or you’re an anti-semite, apparently. Critiques Israel in any way and bango – you must hate Jews! Israel is the number one most irrationally discussed subject today. Of course, meet some Irsraelis and you realize that they’re not the ones with the irrationality problem. It’s purely and American-Jewish problem.


  16. micky2 said,

    You need to focus on leaving Bush out of this. It has nothing at all to do with it.
    But hey ! When all else fails. Lie about Bush.
    I explained carters antisemitism in detail above so that you wouldnt be so baffled anymore.
    Try actually reading it so we all dont have to go on forever reapeating ourselves

  17. Jersey McJones said,

    Micky, I have never seen any reliable evidence that Jimmy Carter is anti-semitic. You’re explanation isn’t even worth considering. So keep on bashing Carter, conservatives. It just goes to show just how irrelevent conservatism is becoming.


  18. Jersey McJones said,

    “When you’re bitter you go with what you can count on.” – Barack Obama

    All this Carter bashing – just bitterness.


  19. micky2 said,

    Ots not bitterness.
    Its a man who embaresses his country.
    You claim bitterness for those who bash Carter yet you bash Bush like some pyscohpath at every chance you get , so spare me the crap.
    He hugs and kisses our enemies, he gets it wrong at every avenue he goes down.
    You my friend are not 1/10 as reliable a source as the sources I pulled that show definate reason to believe that Carter is antisemetic.
    Please ! Try to explain away the examples I provided instead of just flapping your gums and expecting me to take your word for it o great one.
    Once again, you say alot of words, but they are empty since you have absolutly nothing in the world to back them up

  20. Jersey McJones said,

    I’ve never said I am a fan of the Carter administration any more than the Bush bunch. I suppose at least the Carter crew was quite a bit less corrupt, but that still ain’t sayin’ much. Ala in all, Carter seems like a good person, for whatever that’s worth these days..

    It really doesn’t matter if Jimmy Carter “hugs and kisses our enemies…” Really. It’s superfluous. It’s inconsequential. It’s not important. What our current resident is up to is of real, intrinsic, consequential import to us all right here and now. Get with the times guys. You can’t sell conservatism on Jimmy Carter’s old, tired back. You need something new, something completely different from the worn rhetoric of the past. And you can forget about the present – the GOP failed us all, there’s no denying it.


  21. micky2 said,

    What if Bill Clinton were running around doing the same kunda crap rihght now ?
    It undermines our country Jersey, but I guess that kind of thing is O.K with you.
    If I ran around dooing that crap no one would really care.
    But Carter represents this country on a whole nuther level and he definatly does have the connections to have some impact on affairs.
    He also has an awful lot of knowledge that he is privy to.

    Carter seems like a good person!!!!!!!!!1
    He embraces those who want to do us harm for christ sake ! Whats the matter with you man?
    I can deny your claim that the GOP has failed us all I want, and be right about it too.
    Then again, it depends who you define as “us”.
    Carter failed us MISERABLY ! Clinton failed us on terror. And this congress has been deemed the biggest let down this country has seen in decades.
    I dont need anything new.
    Its the left that has had the same message for decades now and thats why you guys have lost the majority of seats and white houses in the last 50 years.
    And after the country got a little bit tired of some of the rights crap the gave the left a chance and what did they do?
    Ran the crappiest congress in our history.
    So I see no reaason why the people will elect another dem congress for a while.
    Ontop of the L O O S E R presidential candidates you guys pulled out of your rumps it will be amazing if you guys can ever get out of your own way.
    I only see the beggining of the war and the economy today as two stains on the GOPs sheet.
    So Yea !
    I can deny they failed us. With ease.

  22. micky2 said,

    sorry, forgot to proof.

  23. Jersey McJones said,

    Our country was better off in 1980 than it is now.


  24. micky2 said,

    What the hell does that have to do with comparing Carter to Bush ?
    Carters administration was a disaster !
    Besides that you cant seem to get it through your head that you can say whatever all you want , it doesnt make it true.
    What form of delusion are you under that you think people are supposed to just take your word for it ?
    I provided you with with quite a few examples of Carters failures and anti semitism. Today and at previous debates.
    And all the while for some insane reason you keep rambling off the same crap.
    And you do nothing to try and prove it or at least show some reputable example to back up your BS.
    So no Jersey !
    You’re wrong !
    Only because of the fact that you have nothing to back or prove your position.
    Jeez, whats the matter with you ?

  25. Jersey McJones said,

    Bush has been far worse for America – and the world – by almost any measure, than Jimmy Carter. We are poorer, more disliked, more divided, less safe, less competitive, more stratified, less secure – by almost EVERY standard, we were better off in 1980 than we are now. And that ain’t saying much!


  26. micky2 said,

    Prove it.
    Your words are very unconvincing.
    We could sit here all day and exchange opinions and where wpould that get anyone ?
    Make a point with something to back it up.
    Otherwise you’re no better than a high schooler gossiping in a locker room.

    His term was dogged by ridiculously high inflation, highest unemployment our country had seen at that time and an energy crisis along with gas rationing and lines. The last fourteen months of his term were dominated by an ongoing hostage situation at the U.S. Embassy in Iran which he butcherd at every corner he came around.
    And he did absolutly nothing to improve any foreign relations and very little for human rights and left America weal and vulnerable because of his prioritizing these things and did nothing to improve or build our military.

    Click to access WP8–Sneh.pdf

    The only reason he got into office was because the whole country had a bad taste in its mouth after Nam , watergate and a host of other scandals going on at that time.
    He got in on the “frustrated vote” which is ALWAYS dangerous, as proved so by his useless term.

    As farv as his dangerous and stupid antics go today. Here is an example written very well that points out why this shmuck and embaressment is dangerous and should just sit the f*** down and shut up or be locked away dor good.
    “It was, in fact, in 1993 that North Korea opted out of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, sending the new Clinton administration into something next door to a panic. There were even whispers here and there of war as the administration tried to figure out some sort of preventive strategy. Then, in 1994, ex-President Jimmy Carter proclaimed that he could save the day and insisted against administration wishes that he be allowed to visit with mass-murdering, famine-inducing North Korean dictator Kim II Sung.

    There was little the administration could do to stop him without political discomfort, and so it said OK, as long as Carter went as a private citizen, did not negotiate on behalf of the United States and stuck to some specified talking points in explaining where the administration stood. Carter did, of course, negotiate, thought he had a swell deal and talked about it on CNN before the administration said it would or would not buy the plan. Now caught in a bind, the administration said some modifications could make the plan acceptable, and Carter reluctantly sought them and got them. (cont..)

    To compare Bush to Carter in any way is the eptiome of ignorance and irrational thought

  27. Brian said,

    Ignorance and irrational thought= JMJ

    seems like a logical conclusion…all we have to do is connect the dots ( the comments) and BAM!

  28. Brian said,

    Just today, none other than Shimon Peres clearly stated Carter’s activities in recent years have damaged both Israel and the peace process…

    But I guess he expressed such an opinion because he is secretly a Neoconservative, Likudnik, Conservative Republican, Bush Administration apologist etc…yeah, that’s the ticket!

  29. Jersey McJones said,

    Ya’ know, Brian, Peres is careful in his words. I’m not quite sure where you’re getting your info, but when I searched your words, I got some pretty far-out stuff. I don’t have an aluminum hat on hand at the moment, so I’ll put that off until I assemble one.


  30. micky2 said,

    “Ya’ know, Brian, Peres is careful in his words. I’m not quite sure where you’re getting your info,”
    Right here jersey. Wasnt hard to find.
    Funny how you always attck people in your condesceding tone, telling them to learn how to use google. » Israel » Article
    Apr 13, 2008 16:49 | Updated Apr 14, 2008 8:13
    Peres: Carter damaged peace process

    “Peres: Carter damaged peace process ”
    By ASSOCIATED PRESS | Apr 13, 2008 | 794 words | article link expires May 23, 2008
    President Shimon Peres criticized former US president Jimmy Carter for his latest book in which he called Israel an apartheid state”

    The rest of brians post was pretty funny. Dont need a foil cap, just a sense of humor

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